Current Editorial Advisory Collective Members

The editorial advisory collective of Witness is an invited team of experts in the journal's field. Structured as a collective,members collaboratively and actively strive to support the goals and scope of the journal. 

Editorial advisory collective member roles include:  periodic double-masked review of relevant submitted manuscripts; advise on journal policy, mandate, goals and scope; identify topics for special issues- some of which they may guest edit; disseminate calls for submissions; build awareness regarding the journal; recruit critical scholarship for submission to the journal annually;  assist in the dissemination of published volumes; assist in building a repository of peer reviewers and collaboratively work to build a national grass roots movement of critical nurse thinkers, educators, practitioners and researchers across Canada and beyond.

Dr. Cheryl van Daalen-Smith – York University (Editor)

Dr. Elizabeth McGibbon – St. Francis Xavier University (Associate Editor)

Dr. Beryl Pilkington – York University (Associate Editor; CopyEditor)

Dr. Thomas Foth - University of Ottawa, (Associate Editor)

Dr. Jessica Dillard-Wright -Elaine Marieb College of Nursing , U Mass (Developmental Associate Editor)

Dr. Amélie Perron – University of Ottawa

Dr. Lisa Bourque Bearskin – Thompson Rivers University

Dr. Josephine Wong – Toronto Metropolitan University

Dr. Andrea Kennedy - Mount Royal University (on leave)

Kathy Hardill, RN-EC, Nurse Practitioner (Social Justice Nursing Practice)

Dr. Judith MacDonnell - York University, (Proofreader)