Outgoing Editorial Board Member


With enormous appreciation, Witness wishes to thank the extensive contributions of Dr. Simon Adam. From the genesis of the journal - discussed over lunch in Caledon Ontario, it was Simon's presence that enabled a vision to become a reality. As the co-editor of the inaugural issue, Simon's contributions were a force that propelled Witness forward. From co-developing the goals of the journal, to exploring and securing an open access infrastructure that reflected the ethos of WITNESS, Simon's insights were invaluable. 

While the editorial advisory board now bids him a fine farewell and thankyou, on a personal level, it was, in part, his belief in the glimmer in my eye I shared with him about the necessity of a journal like this in CANADA that moved a glimmer to collective action. Thank you so much, Simon. Selfishly, I hope you'll return to the journal at a future date. 

Dr. Cheryl van Daalen-Smith