Problematizing transitions in relation to correctional centres for people living with HIV: Unpacking the taken for granted.
HIV, Correctional facilities, Correctional nursing, Problematization, TransitionsAbstract
Transitions into and out of correctional facilities for people living with HIV are a pivotal point in the HIV treatment cascade where adherence metrics are significantly affected. In this paper I use Alvesson and Sandberg’s problematization method of literature analysis to critique and understand the taken-for-granted assumptions underpinning how knowledge is generated within the intersecting fields of HIV, transitions, and corrections. Utilizing problematization, two assumptions underpinning knowledge generation are identified: the linearity of the HIV care continuum model and the tendency to create and perpetuate spatially segregating metaphors of transitions inside versus outside correctional facilities for people living with HIV. These assumptions are discussed in the context of how they shape dominant ways of thinking and practicing in the field. An alternative way to understand transitions for people living with HIV is proposed along with recommendations to guide the HIV care practices of nurses and other healthcare providers.
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