Twenty-three accounts of reproductive injustice in Canada: Stories for nurses to know

Book Review: “Abortion to Abolition: Reproductive Health and Justice in Canada.”


  • Margaret Lebold
  • Judith MacDonnell York University, School of Nursing, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada



abortion, abolition, reproductive justice, social justice nursing


Author Biographies

Margaret Lebold

Margaret Lebold, RN, BA, MScN is a Public Health Nurse and Doctoral Nursing Student in the School of Nursing at York University. Her research interests are in reproductive health, gender, social determinants of health, gender care economies, and nurses' career lives. She is a recipient of a 2022-2025 SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.

Judith MacDonnell, York University, School of Nursing, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Judith MacDonnell, RN PhD, is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at York University. Her PhD studies in Sociology and Equity Studies in Education with a Collaborative Program in Women's Studies were grounded in her practice as a public health nurse. She has been involved in community based research focused on access and equity with diverse 2SLGBTQ!+ community, and racialized immigrant women. Her research has explored health care providers’ and communities’ experiences of engaging in activism and participatory policy processes that have organizational and system level change in the interests of promoting health and wellbeing in workplaces and communities. She was a co-founder of the Rainbow Nursing Interest Group of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario.


Metro Morning. (2022). Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania on the fate of abortion access in their state [Radio Broadcast]. CBC Radio-Canada.

Patterson, D. (2022, August 26). Sask. First Nations organization calls for Dawn Walker to be released from custody. CBC News.

Paynter, M., Jefferies, K., Carrier, L., & Goshin, L. (2022). Feminist abolitionist nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 45(1), 53-68. DOI:

Ross, L. & Solinger R. (2017). Reproductive Justice: An introduction. University of California Press.



How to Cite

Lebold, M., & MacDonnell, J. (2022). Twenty-three accounts of reproductive injustice in Canada: Stories for nurses to know: Book Review: “Abortion to Abolition: Reproductive Health and Justice in Canada.” . Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse, 4(2), 56–60.