Critical Social Justice: The Moral Imperative for Critical Perspectives in Nursing
Critical social justice, Critical perspectives in nursing, Moral bystanding, Nursing activismAbstract
There is increasing urgency to enact critical perspectives in the profession of nursing, with a resurgence of the political, a deliberative focus on social change, and a growing uneasiness with remaining neutral in the face of such pressing need. This analysis starts with a brief overview of critical perspectives, underscoring nursing’s complex positioning at the interface of witnessing peoples’ suffering, and the structural change necessary to address its root causes. Although witnessing may imply watching, or even bystanding, here it refers to historical and cultural meanings of witnessing as standing alongside in solidarity and action throughout the struggle for justice—bearing witness as a moral and a political obligation. Moral bystanding is described as a foundational barrier to achieving the moral imperative of critical perspectives. We conclude with pathways for cultivating and enacting a critical gaze, and a call for moral courage to systematically integrate critical perspectives in nursing. Throughout the discussion, we draw upon the work of nurse ethicists to provide important links about enacting critical perspectives as part of the moral foundation of nursing. Our intention is not to provide an analysis of the moral contexts of nursing, but rather to situate critical perspectives within the moral territory of social change, synthesizing key ideas that have direct salience for critical social justice in nursing.
Keywords: critical perspectives in nursing, critical social justice in nursing, moral bystanding, social change
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